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I am currently performing as "Danny" in the World Premier production of Last Night in Inwooda new play by Alix Sobler

directed by Matt Stabile at Theatre Lab in Boca Roton, FL

performances run January 28th-February 12th, 2023

For more info visit:


















- dialect coaching Big Fish

- now a Faculty Fellow, teaching Intro to Musical Theatre and Intro to the Performing Arts at Stonehill College

- teaching 2 sections of Voice & Movement for Theatre Majors at Dean College














I am now officially a 500 Hr RYT with Yoga Alliance, after completing both my 200 Hr and 300 Hr certifications. Huge thanks to Yoga and Ayurvedic Center.


I have also been invited to participate in a Wellness Immersion through Down Under School of Yoga and life Alive Cafe in April. Stay tuned for more.


Currently teaching Voice & Movement at Dean College, Intro to Acting at Heidelberg University, and yoga at Thoreau Club. I'm also in rehearsals for a production of Chicago at Stonehill College as the choreographer.

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This last semester I was privileged and thrilled to teach two individual sections of Voice and Speech at Dean College. I have been asked to teach two sections next semester of Voice and Movement. Can't wait to support these young adults and help them realize their potential. :)


In addition, I will also be choreographing a production of Chicago for Stonehill College in Easton, MA this spring. Stay tuned for updates...





We've hit over 1,000 audiobook units sold! 1,009 to be exact, since my first books became available a year ago in January of 2020. I now have close to 30 books selling on Amazon/Audible/iTunes. Thank you so much to everyone who is/has been a part of my audiobook journey. A few new books are now on sale as well:

- Saving Grace by D.M. Barr

- Coming Full Circle: Ancient Teachings for a Modern World by Lynn Andrews

- House of Bears 7: The End of Peace by Samantha Snow and Amy Starr

- The Therapist's Game (Amelia Gardner Series Book 6) by Jessica King and TJ Ryan


In the yoga world, I'm now teaching 3 classes a week at Xhale Massage. Two Candlelight Restorative classes, and a brand new class I collaborated/designed with the studio called Yoga Foundations! In this class, I blend yoga and several somatic techniques (Alexander, Erika Batdorf, Linklater, Rodenburg, FitzMaurice) to help students become more self-aware physically, and create an anatomically safe foundation for yoga (and for day to day living). 





It was quite a busy 2020!


I am now officially teaching Yoga. I am pleased and excited to announce that I have joined Xhale Massage in Stow, MA. Specializing in Restorative, Vinyasa, and Yoga for Artists/Dancers (what I have dubbed Artist's Asana). My debut class last night, Candelight Restorative, was completely full! Socially distanced/safe completely full, that is. ; )


I have also completed my certifications in Ayurvedic Living, Chair Yoga, and soon to begin Certification in Yin!


In other performance news, I now have 25 books selling on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes, with 6 more in production.  


I am looking forward to seeing where this crazy pandemic journey takes me. Wishing everyone a much happier, safer, full of joy and good things 2021!





Officially Yoga Certified with Yoga Alliance! I have received my Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hour Certification from the Yoga and Ayurvedic Center, as well as my Restorative Yoga Certification. Currently working on my Ayurvedic Specialist Certification.


In the audiobook world, 833 units, 30 books, and counting... I've been knee-deep in projects (hence my recent lack of updates). Check out my new Audiobooks tab for more info.


I am also now a proud member of the International Association of Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS).


The journey continues...



So many new projects in the works! Not only is the box set of The Complete Ellie Gray Chronicles: Drain Me & Chain Me (The Ellie Gray Chronicles) by Lana Sky now available on Audible, but I just finished recording my 2nd audiobook for Beacon Audiobooks, Coming Full Circle: Ancient Teachings for a Modern World by Lynn Andrews! In addition, the 2nd and 3rd books of the Amelia Gardner mystery series are headed to retail soon, as well as House of Bears 6: Besieged. I'm beginning work on the 4th book in the Amelia Gardner Series, The Therapist. Also working with my Audiobook partner, Nathan Morgan on Beautiful Monsters Books 1 and 2 (also by Lana Sky), and then moving on to the Savage Fall Duet Books 1 and 2! So many projects. Wheeeeee! Thanks so much to everyone for your support. I still have TONS of redemption codes to get any of my audiobooks for FREE on Audible/Amazon, so please let me know if you are interested!





Lots of new projects happening! In addition to working on House of Bears 6 and my first 2 dual narration books, Crescendo and Refrain, I am now narrating a new mystery series, beginning with A Game of Shadows (Amelia Gardner Series) by Jessica King and T.J. Ryan! AND I am excited to say I signed a contract with Beacon Audiobooks to narrate for them, and am already working on my first book, Black Willows by Jill Hand, which is getting release later this year! Stay tuned as things get released...


AND, I am currently working on my Yoga Teacher Training Certification, through the Yoga and Ayurvedic Center, and should be certified with Yoga Alliance by the end of the year! Here's Percy being a diligent yogi for tax:













I'm doing another new play reading with Palm Beach Dramaworks tomorrow! This play is super fascinating, dealing with issues of race, bioethics, love, science, foregiveness... an extremely relevant and important piece right now! Please join if you can (it's freeeeee) and if not, it will be available for the following 48 hours.


July 27 at 7:00PM

At St. Anne’s Hospital, patients dangle from metal hooks in a purgatorial meat locker somewhere between the living and the dead since one brain-dead patient miraculously recovered, and Dr. Adilene Reynolds finds her life crumbling around her. The brain and the heart collide in this quest to discover what it means to be alive and the communal soul that links us together.

Free tickets can be reserved at or by calling (561) 514-4042 ext. 2."






I am super excited to announce 3 new projects! House of Bears 6: Besieged (just finished working on House of Bears 5: Lovers and Friends), and teaming up again with Lana Sky (author of The Ellie Gray Chronicles, a series that I narrated and we have received rave reviews on) for a new series called Beautiful Monsters! Not only that, but I get to do dual narration with my good friend and former castmate Nathan Morgan! So now we begin work on the audiobooks, Crescendo and Refrain. Don't forget to check out the Ellie Gray Chronicles, as well as House of Bears Books 1-4. Also some new projects in the pipeline to be announced soon...












I was recently invited to be part of a forum on how Covid-19 will change the face of catering work, a job many actors survive with in NYC, and what the future for actors will look like. Check out the link here:


In addition, on June 8th, 2020, I played the role of Female Chris in Palm Beach Dramaworks' live Zoom reading of a new play called Teach, by Donna Hoke, directed by Kenneth Kay.


"Ten years ago, Ken and Chris were teacher and student. Now, they are principal and teacher, and a conflict with a student forces Chris to confront both past and present. A fascinating exploration of gender, power, and perception. Directed by Kenneth Kay with Aubrey Elson, Jovon Jacobs, Antoinella Pierre, Eli Moseley, & Seth Trucks"


Also, 3 new audiobooks narrated by yours truly are available on Audible/Amazon/iTunes! Check them out! Also while you're at it, check out these awesome audiobooks that are helping educate us all on how to be anti-racist! I'm currently reading Becoming by Michelle Obama and can't wait to read more! BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!












Hey all! My newest book is now available for sale on Audible/Amazon/iTunes! Check it out here:


And message me directly if you would like a promo code to get it for free! :)










I am proud to announce that my thesis presentation, "Keep Your Enemies Close: The Universal Application of Learning to Play and Think Like a Villain" won 1st Place for the College of Arts and Letters, and 3rd Place overall for the Championship Round of Florida Atlantic University's Annual 3 Minute Thesis Competition! The presentation was inspired by a performance I did as Mary Tilford in the play The Children's Hour, by Lillian Hellman. So grateful I could represent Theatre and the academic research being done in the Arts! We need it now more than ever. Check out my presentation below:





















I currently have 8, count 'em, 8 audiobooks in various stages of production! Can't wait to share the following with everyone:


  • House of Bears 2: Loch (Bears of Oregon) by Samantha Snow

  • House of Bears 3: Trapped (Bears of Oregon) by Amy Star and Samantha Snow

  • House of Bears: Bears of Oregon Box Set by Amy Star and Samantha Snow

  • House of Bears 4: The Lost Souls by Amy Star and Samantha Snow

  • The Mediterranean Diet: Beginner’s Guide to the Number 1 Diet by Paul Sandy

  • Chain Me (The Ellie Gray Chronicles) by Lana Sky

  • The Ellie Gray Chronicles Box Set by Lana Sky

  • Rogues Always Wear Black: A Steamy British Historical Romance Novel (Forbidden Kisses Book 1) by Catherine Mayfair


In the meantime, here are the reviews for my audiobooks currently available on Audible/Amazon/iTunes! If you would like any for free, I have several codes for free copies. :) Contact me. I love this job!


“The narrator was spectacular. Amazing voice for these characters.”

“Bree Elaine did an excellent job as narrator. Her performance of male and female characters was well done.”

“I loved the narration by Bree she really makes the book come to to life.”

“Elaine was able to bring Ellie to life and did a great job on the narration.”

“Narrator: the narrator was easy to listen to. She did an amazing job going from one person to another and this helped make the book so good.”

“This was one of my first Lana Sky reads, and I loved listening to it in Audio! I can’t wait for the next one.”

“The narration done by Bree Elaine was done really well, and brought the character to life so it was really enjoyable.”

“Well written and a great narrator.”

“The narrator's voice was pleasant and they did a good job in helping to bring the book to life.”

“Narration by Ms. Elson is also very good; the pace of her reading is just about right, the voices are distinct and well-done, and they match the personalities of the characters. It’s a very decent interpretation of the book.”

“This story is a very sweet, fun, engaging, quick listen and I really enjoyed the flirty banter in their conversations.”

“The narrator, Elaine E. does a good job. She was the reason, I stayed with the story all the way to the end.”






Currently waiting out the pandemic in Boston with Percy (my new rescue pup!) We are hopefully returning to South Florida in the Fall to teach and audition. I am currently available for projects anywhere! Percy says: stay healthy and safe everyone!!!





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